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Battery storage
Is it worth it?

Battery Storage System

In most cases the answer is more than likely to be a resounding…… YES!

When undertaking a survey for a 3.2kW PV installation on a 3-bedroom property in West Sussex, where the occupants are out all day we have found that they could increase their self-consumption (how much they consume of the power generated by their Solar PV system) from around 19% to a massive 81%, just by adding a 10kWh battery system. This means they can store an extra 62% of their power into the battery for use during the night or at times when generation isn’t possible. as and wen you need it.

Battery Storage Figures

The results

Increased self-consumption from 19% to 81%

Able to store an extra 62% of solar power

Battery Storage can be beneficial even without solar panels

Aside from the benefits for homeowners that already have a Solar PV system installed, it can also be a great benefit for those that either don’t have solar or can’t have it (those that live in flats or rented accommodation for example).


There are various options for some of the time-of-use tariffs where your battery will let you store up electricity while its cheap (overnight, for example) so that it can be used during peak times when electricity prices are generally much higher.

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